99+1 Historical Stamped German Bows of the Violin Family
99+1 Historical Stamped German Bows of the Violin Family by 100 makers<br />19./21. Jahrhundert<br />Mathias Wohlleber<br />Darling Publication, Köln<br />219 Seiten<br />Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch
Produktnummer: 664
Bowmakers of the Bazin family - Standard edition
Umfangreiches Werk über die Bazin Bogenmacherfamilie
Produktnummer: 658
Die Bogenmacherfamilie Albert Nürnberger in Markneukirchen
Jahrbuch des VDG/Ausstellung in Leipzig (2013)
Produktnummer: 654
Die Bogenmacherfamilie H.R. Pfretzschner
Jahrbuch des VDG/Ausstellung in Markneukirchen (2010)
Produktnummer: 655
Exceptional Bows of the Violin Family with Ivory Mountings
Volume three<br />18 contemporary ivory mounted bows<br />from the 21st century part two<br />The Ivory Project, Darling Publication, Köln
Produktnummer: 662
Exceptional Bows of the Violin Family with Tortoise Shell M.
Part one<br />18 contemporary tortoise shell mounted bows<br />from the 21st century<br />The Ivory Project, Darling Publication, Köln
Produktnummer: 663
L Archet by B. Millant & J.F. Raffin - Prestige Edition
Limitiere Auflage mit rotem Ledereinband und goldenen Lettern
Produktnummer: 656
L Archet by B. Millant & J.F. Raffin - Standard Edition
Standardausgabe in blauem Kunstleder
Produktnummer: 678
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century. Eugène Nicolas<br />Sartory. Band 2
Produktnummer: 684
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th & 20th Century<br />Ludwig Bausch & Heinrich Carl Knopf. Ausgesucht von Josef Gabriel.
Produktnummer: 685
Exceptional German Bows of the Violin Family from the 19th and 21st century.
Produktnummer: 682
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century. Eugène Nicolas<br />Satory, Band 1
Produktnummer: 683
Exceptional Bows of the Violin Family with Ivory Fittings. Band 2<br />The Ivory Project.
Produktnummer: 689
The 2017 Sinfonima Cuvee Darling at Saalbau Gutleut
Andy Lim (2017) Hardcover<br />Ausstellung für zeitgenössische Instrumente und Bogen in Frankfurt 2017
Produktnummer: 696